1LT Todd Weaver
In Memory of 1LT Todd William Weaver
October 22, 1983 - September 9, 2010
Killed In Action Kandahar, Afghanistan
Tributes 2011

May 14-15, 2011
Thunderbirds: Hometown Heroes: Over the skies of Hampton Roads, VA, the famed US Air Force flight demonstation team, The Tunderbirds, perform their show in an unforgettable way. They dedicate the show to the Memory of 1LT Todd Weaver and his sacrifice for our country. Representing many fallen heroes, Todd is selected for special recognition and his name is painted onto Aircraft 1--an amazing gesture and special day for Todd and all his family and friends.

May 17, 2011
At a luncheon hosted by The Chesapeake Republican Women's Club, the family is presented the Honor and Remember flag embroidered with Todd's name on it. The flag is a national symbol of the ultimate sacrifice made by Americans in any war and offerred to our family as personal recognition of Todd's heroism which accompanies the American flag presented at Arlington.

Memorial Day, 2011
Many in the family attend the National TAPS program in Washington, D.C. The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors brings Gold Star families together to share their stories and seek comfort as they honor the sacrifice of their loved ones.

May 26, 2011
The Virginia Wall of Honor Memorial Ceremony: The State of Virginia adds a plaque honoring Todd and seven other Virginians killed in action in 2010 at an official ceremony in Richmond. The memorial plaque is installed in the halls outside the office of the Attorney General of Virginia. We are pleased to note that our friends, the Patriot Guard Riders are also there to honor Todd and the other heroes of the Old Dominion. This Memorial is later moved to the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, VA

May, 2011
As part of the Bruton High School academic award ceremony, Virginia State Senator, Tommy Norment reads a Proclamation signed by the State Senate and House of Delegates honoring Todd. The Proclamation emphasizes Todd's atheletic and academic roots in Virginia as well as his military courage and accolades. After the reading the first two BHS students to receive the 1LT Todd W. Weaver Memorial Award are presented checks to support their college studies. One of these students joins the ROTC at his college.

June 6, 2011
The family is invited to attend a special BBQ to honor Gold Star families and Wounded Warriors.
The Event is hosted by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ADM Mike Mullen and his wife, Jane, at their residence in Washington D.C. Then Secretary of Defense Robert Gates also attends and we are honored to meet him as well. In another twist, Secretary Gates later becomes the Chancellor for The College of W&M. Like Todd, he is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the college.

July 3, 2011 (Todd's dad, Donn's Birthday)
War Memorial Stadium, Hampton, VA: The Penninsula Pilots hosts the Todd Weaver Military Appreciation Memorial Game. The Pilots defeat the Outer Banks Dare Devils in an exciting game in front of a standing room only stadium of fans. The Patriot Guard Riders are on hand to fire up their bikes and demonstrate the support and patriotism they are known for. It is an incredible evening filled with pride, patriotism and some old-fashioned baseball fun - a true slice of Americana. Fireworks finish off the night and close to $3,000.00 is raised for the W&M Memorial Award. Thanks to the Peninsula Pilots, the Patriot Guard Riders and all who turned out in support and unity.

July 8, 2011
Fort Campbell, KY: Ceremonies for the 66 Fallen Strike Brigade Soldiers of the 101st Airborne were conducted in several locations at the Fallen Eagle annual ceremony. During one Ceremony, Todd's Mother, Jeanne, donates a painting in Honor and Remembrance of the sacrifice of all our fallen soldiers. The painting depicts the 101st gathered in mourning after Todd's death in Kandahar. The painting is placed and continues to be hung at the 101st Division Headquarters.

Aug 6, 2011
Blue Jays vs Orioles at Baltimore: Todd's family and friends gather together for a special night of baseball, despite the showers and the score! What began as a childhood affinity for the Blue Jay's mascot became a lifelong loyalty to Toronto's home team. Todd would proudly wear his Blue Jays jersey into a sea of Orioles fans. That was just the kind of guy he was...

Sept. 11, 2011
9/11 Ceremony at The College of William & Mary: Throughout the day, there are several commemorative programs on campus including the laying of a wreath in honor of the Fallen; a Ruck March across campus; the unveiling of a Memorial Plaque commemorating Todd's service and sacrifce which hangs in the ROTC building; and the school wide 9/11 Commemoration. The 1LT Todd W. Weaver Memorial Award is announced as being fully endowed. Following is a Candle light vigil. In coordination with the Muscarelle Museum of Art, the first seventeen paintings in the series Losing Todd: A Mother's Journey are on a two month exhibit at the Sadler Center Atrium. Countless students and visitors take the time to follow this visual journey of remembrance.

Veterans Day, 2011
The series of painting, Losing Todd: A Mother's Journey complete their exhibit on the W&M campus. On this day the exhibit opens for one month at the New Town Gallery, Williamsburg. The Veterans of Foreign Wars support the event along with the Revolutionary Guard of The College of William and Mary. A Revolutionary Guardsman stands watch during the three hour reception.

Christmas, 2011
As a gift for Todd's dad, Donn, Jeanne designs a military legacy coin in memory of Todd. This coin is given out to special people by Donn & family members.