1LT Todd Weaver
In Memory of 1LT Todd William Weaver
October 22, 1983 - September 9, 2010
Killed In Action Kandahar, Afghanistan
Remembering Todd 2018
"He said he was always going to be watching over you..."

Todd's Memorial tree on the campus of William & Mary and near the Wren Building was dedicated in the fall of 2010. This American Beech is growing big and strong. Its lower branches were trimmed so that you may easier read the plaque and leave mementos in memory of Todd.

Today, the William & Mary landscaper and Todd's dad, Donn were able to clean up the grounds under Todd's tree allowing more space for those who want to leave something in memory of Todd. There is a paver for coins now so that they are not placed on the plaque which they tarnish.

Representing the entire extended Weaver Family and many of Todd’s friends, Donn Weaver said goodbye to retiring William and Mary President Taylor Reveley. Our family first met the then newly selected WM President in 2004 when Todd transferred in as a Freshman. His leadership and that special college cemented Todd’s legacy and gave real meaning to “One Tribe, One Family”.

Crossfit remembers Todd on Memorial Day -'While nearly 8 years have passed since 1LT Todd Weaver fell in combat in Afghanistan, your gathering and actions today confirm an old Greek adage--Soldiers never die unless they are forgotten....Afterwards say a quiet thank you to the 6,942 Americans who have fallen in combat since 9/11 and to all those more than 2 million who have died in wars and as a result of military service since our Country was founded.'

From a letter from Todd's parents: In those early hours of September 9th 2010, our family and so many others with connections to that special young man had to face reality. It was true. He was gone. All the love he gave to Emma, Kiley and all of us would only continue with the brightness of his spirit...From that first day God has guided us in how to remember Todd. The letter ended as the ancient Greeks said "A soldier never dies unless he is forgotten."

On Page 490 of his new book "Directorate S", Pulitzer Prize winning author Steve Coll wrote about Todd's death from an IED on September 9, 2010. Todd's service and sacrifice continue to have impact.

Casey Phillips, Todd's platoon SGT in Afghanistan made a facebook post. "I will never forget the day LT Weaver was taken from this earth. I was the last person he ever spoke to. It was an upbeat conversation with sweat on both of our brows as we set an ambush in the early morning hours of Sep 9, 2010...Moments later he triggered the device and was no longer with us. His daughter is only a couple of days older than mine and there is no feeling like walking back into the tent with a scratch.

Todd's dad, Donn unexpectedly is asked to join an Honor Flight of WWII and Korean War Veterans from Florida to Wash DC. While there, the director of Space Coast Honor Flight asks Donn to represent all Gold Star Fathers to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Todd's resting place is almost visible down the hill and through the trees.

Team Fastrax, a sky-diving team which has been called "the most ambitious and professional parachute demonstrators in the world", parachutes into Richmond International Speedway for a NASCAR Race in honor of Todd. Glenn, Todd's brother is pictured with the team.

Todd's sacrifice was honored at the opening of Old Dominion University Monarch's Basketball Season. George and Ellen Cloyed, Todd's in law parents, were there to represent Todd's entire family. Thank you ODU and thank you, George & Ellen.

This is the helicopter that recovered Todd’s body in Afghanistan over 8 years ago. The U.S. Air Force pilot, who felt compelled to know more about this particular recovery, investigated who Todd was and contacted us. We are so pleased to know him.